So, I know that you haven't heard from me in quite a while. What can I say? Life got in the way. I went to Brazil in January and didn't even post about it. (Lame, I know.). But, here's the good news. Although I haven't written in quite a while. I'm starting to miss it. With that in mind, I will be going to Marrakesh, Morocco in a few weeks and you my dear readers will be hearing all about it! This will be my first trip to Africa ( Yes, Morocco is in Africa, not the Middle East).Why Marrakesh? Marrakesh was the top travelers choice destination for 2015. Marrakesh Travelers Choice 2015. And, I've always considered Morocco to be exotic, mysterious, and fascinating....
In any case, expect to hear from me in a few weeks and learn about my upcoming destination!
As always,
Keep it hot and sweet,
Ms. Brown
...... Have you not traveled the land and seen the signs of those who came before you and the great monuments erected in there honor so that you should know that you are there inheretors........Holy Quran
I had never heard that before Julius. Thank for sharing. It's beautiful...
Interesting post Coffy.
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